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Success Stories

What our Service Users have said…

"I would not be where I am today without the help of Employment ACTion; happy, optimistic and looking forward to the next challenge."
- EA service user

"I would like to stop in to say hello and shake the hands of the people that have been on my side through my return to the workforce."
- EA service user

"I really appreciate all of the support and assistance EA has given me over the years.  I think I’d be in a much different place if I had not accessed your services"
- EA service user

"I love that you took the time to give me choices and I also have to say that I love the whole experience of working with you at Employment ACTion.  Thank you."
- EA service user

"I'm really grateful and thankful for all your support in this process, not only regarding my job search, but also with my special needs as a newcomer and PHA looking to be a productive member of the community in Toronto and Canada.  I have felt very supported by Employment ACTion and that means a lot to me…thank you again."
- EA service user

"You have been a great help.  I appreciate your honest opinions about how I can improve my cover letter and résumé to get that interview.  It has made a difference!"
- EA service user